The most crucial attribute of Porto Scuba is our friendly & experienced staff
Our top-level professional Sailboat skippers & Master Scuba Diving Instructors have a lot of experience. We are passionate about providing a quality service in Halkidiki in the northern Aegean Sea. We strongly believe we can successfully create a learning environment where you can enjoy the best experiences during your holidays.
Kallithea, Kassandra, Halkidiki, Greece
Αρ. ΜΗ.Τ.Ε.: 0938Ε60000254801
Αριθμός Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.: 165518706000
Α.Φ.Μ.: 801904707
Αρμόδια Δ.Ο.Υ.: Νέων Μουδανιών
Διεύθυνση: Κωνσταντινουπόλεος & Σμύρνης, 630 77 Καλλιθέα, Χαλκιδική
Τηλέφωνο: +30 2310488990
Kallithea, Halkidiki, Greece
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